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Graduation Girls

GCI awarded two $2500 scholarships in 2023. 


Rules and Guidelines concerning NGC Awards may be found on the NGC website. The GCI Awards Book has been updated to reflect new awards.  Please read  the directions carefully and supply required information where indicated.  You may download a copy of the current GCI Awards Guide from the Awards page of this site.

IMPORTANT - Award applications should be submitted with the current year's cover sheet and follow the format indicated on the Awards page of this website.  Most awards: These three page applications are printed on front of pages only (as are GCI Award applications) and will not be returned, so make a copy for your records.  MANY MAY BE SENT DIGITALLY!  No plastic or binder report covers allowed.  Photos should be included (digital photocopies permitted) State awards are due on the same dates as shown in the current Awards Guide. Please only send Books of Evidence in for the Flower Show Awards or when specifically requested in the Awards Book for GCI.


We Continue To Be "GREEN"


Long before environmentalism became a household word, garden clubs throughout the nation have been practicing it since National Garden Clubs founding in 1929. Members have been in the forefront of the "Green Movement" by introducing recycling, organic gardening, wildflower gardens, elimination of invasive species, and many other ways to protect the environment in their home gardens and their many civic projects. They continue to do so.


In 1986 the first Environmental Studies School was introduced during the National Presidency of Illinoisan Violet Dawson. Since that time the Schools have been held across the United States under sponsorship of State garden club federations. Here in Illinois a new Series will begin. Prospective students may begin the Series at any time during the four course series.


The "Living Earth" Environmental Studies School is composed of a minimum of forty-four hours of study of specific units divided into four courses of eleven hours each. Every course contains nine (9) hours of specified units of study and a two (2) hour tour. At the conclusion of each course a written "Open Book" examination is given. After successful completion of all four courses the student will have earned the designation of Nationally Accredited Environmental Consultant. Students also may join the Environmental Consultants Council that meets on a regular basis for special field trips, speakers and the-like.


For further information on this School go to the Schools page of this site or telephone GCI Headquarters at 630-617-9269 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10 AM to 3 PM.

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