
National Garden Clubs, Inc. offers outstanding educational opportunities through its state garden clubs for its members or others interested. Four formal schools of study, along with special workshops, symposia, and conferences in conjunction with meetings or special events cover a wide range of topics are offered. The schools are Environmental Study, Flower Show, Gardening Studies, and Landscape Design. Courses are offered at various intervals and locations in Illinois. Check the Calendar on this website, Garden Glories, or contact state headquarters (630-617-9269) MWF from 10 am to 3pm. Registration blanks for upcoming schools are posted under "Forms" on this website as well as this page.
Find out if another member in your club is interested in attending one of the schools. It is more fun if you have a partner! In any event you will discover and enjoy meeting others who share your interests. Courses need not be taken in order. Instructors are topnotch authorities in their respective fields. School enrollment fees are modest. The school chairmen are listed in Garden Glories and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Environmental Studies
Are you concerned about the environmental health of our world? Would you like to share a learning experience with like-minded individuals? If so consider enrolling in Environmental Studies School. The "Living Earth" Environmental Studies School is composed of a minimum of forty-four hours of study of specific units divided into four courses of eleven hours each.
Every course contains nine (9) hours of specified units of study and a two (2) hour tour.
At the conclusion of each course a written "Open Book" examination is given. After successful completion of all four courses the student will have earned the designation of Nationally Accredited Environmental Consultant.
Environmental School
Course 4
Check back for information on this course.

Flower Show
If floral design is of interest to you, consider attending a Flower Show School. You need not be interested in becoming a Flower Show Judge to attend. National Garden Clubs, Inc. has established a system of Flower Show Schools in order to meet the following goals: (1) to train and accredit flower show judges; (2) to increase interest and knowledge in the fields of horticulture and design; (3) to encourage beautiful and educational flower shows.
Flower Show Schools operate on two levels, (1) four basic courses; (2) symposiums for advanced study. The curriculum developed for the Flower Show Schools offers in-depth study in flower show procedure, horticulture and design. An understanding of the standards of exhibiting and judging is acquired from the lectures, horticulture specimens, designs and student participation. Symposiums are held to further education.
Flower Show School Course IV
June 24 - 26
Rose Pavillion
South Barrington Village Hall
South Barrington, IL

Garden Studies
Do you want to become a better gardener? Do you want to know more about plant materials and how they grow? Gardening Studies courses are for you.
The Gardening Studies courses are designed for members and other interested persons to become accomplished horticulturists. These courses are especially valuable for anyone who wants to improve their gardening skills and learn the "nuts and bolts" of home gardening success. Instructors are accredited and academically associated with a horticulture, botany, biology or comparable department of a college or university, a County Agriculture Agent, and/or be a horticulture professional who is a specialist in their field.
Check back for further information about Course II.

Landscape Design
Interested in improving your own home landscape? Would you like to find out more about landscape design from experts? The Landscape Design Study Program is for you.
The objectives of the Study Program are to help students develop a greater sense of appreciation, pride and knowledge about our private and public gardens; become better educated to make changes in our surroundings; stimulate interest in all phases of landscape design and develop Landscape Design Consultants to provide leadership, educational programs, scholarships, awards and promote better landscape design.
The complete course consists of four (4) ten hour teaching sessions and an optional written exam for each session. Each course is complete in itself and may be taken in any order, starting with any course. No previous knowledge or data is required. Students who complete the four courses and pass the exams within a seven (7) year period are designated Landscape Design Consultants.
Check back for Course I information!